Sunday, June 13, 2010

13:00 - 14:00

To convince people to come to the Camp Nou and vote, the club has organized all kind of free activities in and around the stadium. The fans can for example visit the team bus.

Jacint Borras (board member): "I'm on my way to the vote. I'll vote for Jaume Ferrer. He would be a great president for Barça, keeping the model but changing the style."

... and put it in an envelop

Voters need to pick the paper with the name of their favourite candidate...

Josep Ribas (candidacy Jaume Ferrer): "It has been an interesting, animated campaign. It was all new to me. Today is a day of nerves."

At 13 pm, 21.570 people had already cast their vote, which is a particaption degree of 18,8%. In 2003, there were 18.799 people, which was 19,93%.

Carles Rexach (former player and coach): "There are a lot of people, which is good. I support Rosell but I feel there are a lot of undecided voters. Let's hope the winner has a big lead, that would be good for the club."

Javier Faus (candidacy Sandro Rosell): "Sandro is a friend, we have been working for years together, so this is a special day. Sandro is tired, after a long campaign, but he is confident about winning."

1 comment:

  1. El fiscal ha rebutjat les al·legacions del representants legals d’Ailanto (empresa de què Alexandre Rosell Feliu és administrador i propietari del 99 per cent de les accions) i del governador i del secretari d’esports de Brasília en el moment dels fets. I ha demanat al jutge que n’iniciï el processament. No hi ha un termini de temps previst, però la pràctica habitual fa que la decisió no s’hagi de demorar més enllà de les vuit setmanes. He estat a l’espera de rebre el document del fiscal abans d’informar-ne i, en tirar-se sobre la jornada de reflexió i el dia de la votació, vaig preferir no fer-ho i esperar a conèixer quin curs li donarà el jutge. Però fa poca estona m’he assabentat que a l’igual que jo, hi ha d’altres mitjans que també ho saben i que han decidit no donar-ho. Com que no em sembla just que el soci no sàpiga aquest fet, n’informo.
