Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Medina will be vice-president Salvat

Asked what his role will be if Barcelona presidential candidate Santiago Salvat is elected as president of FC Barcelona, Catalan lawyer and former presidential candidate Jordi Medina has said in an interview with Catalan local television station Teletaxi TV that he would become one of the vice-presidents:

"I'm part of the candidacy, I helped to organize it and just like other people who are supporting the candidate, I would become vice-president. That's clear. Why didn't I want to head the project myself? Because at this moment, I'm very busy in my job and running for president requires a lot of time and effort."

Read more:
Santiago Salvat is Minguella-Medina candidate
Medina continues to work on candidacy
Majo, Minguella and Medina working on candidacy


  1. just curious, why would the minguella-medina need someone else to head their project, why cant they run themselves? i mean how would they expect to get the voters' trust when its obvious salvat is just a figurehead and there are these shadowy figures calling the shots behind the scenes.

  2. the official explanation is that minguella is too old and medina doesn't have time.

    the real explanation probably is that nothing suggests that none of the two could do something they haven't been able to do in 2003 (or 2006).

    and let's wait and see until salvat comes out (next monday) to see what kind of person he is.
