Saturday, December 5, 2009

Rosell plans to quit football business

Speaking at a seminar on sports governance in Barcelona, former Barcelona sports vice-president Sandro Rosell has suggested that he will give up his football-related business if he's chosen as president of Barcelona next year:

"I won't talk about Barcelona until the campaign starts, but if my dream of winning the elections come true, others will have to continue the project in Qatar."

Rosell's sports marketing agency Bonus Sports Marketing is currently involved in the Football Dreams project, a scouting program sponsored by the government of Qatar and Nike aimed at giving children from Africa, Asia and Latin America the opportunity to earn scholarships to study and train at a football academy in Qatar.

Spanish news agency EFE claims that Rosell has in private said that he doesn't understand why the fact that a president of FC Barcelona could be active in the sports business is seen as something negative as he personally thinks is an added value.

Read more:
Rosell appointed as adviser of Nelson Mandela
Sala: "Rosell was always on the wrong side"
Council linked with Rosell working on ethical code


  1. Rosell has in private said that he doesn't understand why the fact that a president of FC Barcelona could be active in the sports business is seen as something negative.

    It's called "Conflict of Interest" that many of the Anti-Laporta Rosell fans whined about when Laporta was involved in the sale of Mallorca. You can't be involved in another football type academy and be involved in Barcelona's because people will groan if one of those kids ends up going to Barcelona.

  2. That's a fact, IBES. On the other hand, we have to admit that the contacts and the experience Rosell has in the world of football can also be useful at one point

  3. i really like this guy more and more..
    he seems the most intellectual.
    and he is quite young!
