Monday, January 4, 2010

Montal: "Rosell could be good president"

Former Barcelona president Agustí Montal (1969-1977) gave an interview to Catalan sports paper El 9 Esportiu, in which he talked about the presidential elections.

What are your thoughts on the upcoming elections?
It is difficult to predict what will happen. We're talking about 150.000 club members and many of them are not going to the stadium. The circumstances have changed a lot. Laporta's legacy are the sporting successes, but all those who have worked alongside him are responsible for that, even Sandro Rosell, who could be a good president, like any other board member.

Who will you vote for?
I won't say that for now. But when the day comes, I might say it. I am entitled to do so. However, when the winner will be known I will give my support to the new board, something I have always done.

Read more:
Ex-president Montal avoids election involvement
Former president Nunez to run with support Cruyff
The Quote: Joan Gaspart


  1. I have no doubts about who´s gonna vote this old man. Curiosly, I have wrotte something about Montal a few minuts ago in Yoya; latter I´ve seen your post. Interesting.

    Old men, old friends.

  2. I've read he's most probably going to vote for Sandro Rosell because he worked together with Rosell's father during his time at the club.

  3. I mean, "I have written".

    Yeah, that are you saying is what about i was talking yesterday.

    Societat Civil Catalana and all its faces.

  4. El provincialismo catalán... ;)

    Tu que sigues el blog un poco, Bryan, tienes la impresión que hay una linea editorial "pro" o "anti" alguién?

  5. Creo que no, al menos no se detecta; me gusta porque das noticia o recoges noticias rápidas, dos o tres al día, y en el tiempo que llevo leyéndote (más o menos desde el post de Via Venetto) no me atrevería a asegurar que es tenedencioso, la verdad.
    Esperaremos a ver cómo evoluciona todo a medida que se acercan las elecciones.
    Lo que tengo claro es que para un extrangero no integrado en la cultura barcelonista es prácticamente imposible detecyar pros o anti.
    Seguid así. Disculpas por mi inglés, lo hablo relativamente bien coloquialmente, pero patino gramaticalmente.

  6. Ok , I understood everyword ;)

  7. De acuerdo, Bryan. Por cierto, si detectas algo, hazmelo saber. Me interesa mucho mi propia opinión... ;)

    Pienso que dice algo del entorno barcelonista que hay gente que no pueden creer que soy simplemente un culé extranjero que quiere informar culés que no hablen castellano y/o catalán sobre el proceso electoral de modo totalmente neutral (eso si: dependo de las historias que se publican en la prensa española/catalana) y que tiene que haber algo o alguién detras. Si fue así, el detras debe ser bastante tonto para hacer esto en inglés...

    Y entiendo tu ingles, que es lo mas importante.

  8. @ Romyan:

    We're talking about the fact that some people in Catalonia think there must be someone/something behind this blog and that it's not possible that I'm just a culé wanting to inform fellow culés (whose Spanish and Catalan is not good enough to follow the local media) about the elections process.
