Wednesday, June 2, 2010

[picture] Sandro Rosell and member number 1

Barcelona club member number one, Jaume Descals i Sanmartí, gave on Monday morning his signature of support to the candidacy of Barcelona presidential candidate Sandro Rosell.


  1. When did the soci program come into being? i.e. How old is soci number 1?

  2. Tim, Barca has always had socis, every year the socis' rank is updated and people move up the list as those ahead of them drop out, we have a seperate unique "clau" or key number which is a permanent identifier for us as members so whilst my membership number is slightly below 110,000 my clau number is over 453,000. Soci number 1 used to be permanently occupied by Joan Gamper, the founder of the club, until Laporta (I think) decided that the club member with the longest service should hold the position. Soci number one will probably have been a member of the club for around 70 years, I'm not too sure, others such as Pep will probably know more.

  3. well, i didn't have a clue but pressured by the expectations put on me (thanks, adam), i've looked it up.

    jaume descals is a member since 1926, when he was three years old. so he should now be around 87 years old and is member for 84 years. he became number one this year.

    and as for gamper: he was member number one from his death until gaspart revoked that. now laporta has installed a kind of "third way" and has appointed gamper as honorary member number one. so in fact there are two number ones: gamper ("honorary" number one) and descals ("real" number one).

  4. may i know why gaspart revoked gamper's number one status?

  5. new leaders, new rules, i guess. maybe he felt sorry for the number two's... :-)

  6. funny..but thanks anyway.

  7. we are all gives our belssing to the new leadership with high capacity of leading us to our future
